I enjoy crafting dynamic content for sportswear brands, particularly with Abyss. I create video packs featuring behind-the-scenes footage from summer campaign photoshoots, including campaign videos, teasers, gifs, loops, and text animations. This allows me to explore and experiment some effects.
Roles that I performed: Filmmaker & Content creator

Habita tu cuerpo. Sportware Brand. 2022
There are times when I yearn to engage in content creation beyond photography and video, such as illustrations, graphic design, animation and to participate more intimately in shaping a brand's growth from its inception.

I actively contributed to the development of content that embodied the vision and mission of its creators for the brand HABITA TU CUERPO. In this role, I took on multiple responsibilities, enabling direct interaction with the audience, creating visuals, and defining aesthetics and mood boards in collaboration with the brand
Roles that I performed: Photo, Filmmaker, Content creator & Social media manager.