To give voice to and listen to women is one of the topics that resonates with me the most, and it's something I convey in the campaigns I create for both major brands and entrepreneurs. Particularly, showcasing the work, thoughts, and efforts of women is one of the driving forces behind my creative life. Being surrounded by women artists is a source of inspiration for me

Roles that I performed: Filmmaker, Photographer, Planner.
Applying the strategies and skills I use for major brands to entrepreneurial ventures or small businesses not only helps them create a campaign with photos and videos, but also enables them to narrate a story about their identity.

Roles that I performed: Photo, Filmmaker, Content creator & Social media manager.
City 2021. Indumentary Brand
We wanted not only to capture autumn season photographs but also to celebrate the multiplicity of bodies and ages, reflecting the authenticity and comfort that defines the City brand.

Cherrymint 2019. Underwear for girls. Entrepreneur.
Roles that I performed: Photographer & Planner.

Mas fe. 2019 Buenos aires. Indumentary entreprenuer.
Behind every product of the Masfe entrepreneurship, there is a woman driven by a love for crafts, creating aprons for women who cherish their trades. These aprons are crafted to support the creative lives in workshops and stoves, transform raw materials into something extraordinary.
Roles that I performed: Photo, Filmmaker, Content creator & Social media manager.