Having a long-standing relationship with major brands for several years opened the doors for me to explore various types of content. This not only involved diversifying formats tailored to the needs of a large brand but also the imperative to stay innovative, listen to audience feedback, and engage in collaborative efforts not only within marketing but also in e-commerce and branding.
Roles that I performed: Photo, Filmmaker & Content creator

This campaign, celebrating Argentina's Industry Day

is characterized by a series of content pieces crafted for various platforms.

including impactful videos and eye-catching GIFs. These visual assets passionately reflect Argentine nationality and capture the essence of the new national handcrafted furniture line
For almost three years, I have worked in-house for the company Mijormi and its four brands: Mihran, a carpet brand with over 50 years in the country; Landmark, a brand specializing in decoration and furniture; and their recent additions: Tiendas Landmark, the largest retail store in Buenos Aires, and Mihran Mexico, their successful foray into the international market.
I have been part of their launches and transformations, which presented a challenge due to the distinct target audiences and storytelling for each brand,

Continuous testing on social media and commercial campaigns helped us refine the hooks and content that resonate most with our customers.